Eating Vegetables Everyday

21 day purification program sp green foods

Vegetables are important for all aspects of maintaining and sustaining health. Sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables has been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases and body weight management.. The World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture of the United Nation reports recommend adults to consume at least five servings vegetables per day.

But what if you dislike Vegetables? What if you can’t get your kids to eat vegetables? What if you just don’t consume enough? There are people who have a straight up phobia of eating vegetables called lachanophobia.

Research says only 1 of 10 adults consume enough vegetables and in my practice I would say that statistic is only on a good day. That is why there is an important whole food supplement called SP GREEN FOOD that requires special attention.


SP GREEN FOOD is recommended for :
✓ Children that don’t eat enough vegetables
✓ Adults that don’t eat enough vegetables
✓ Have cholesterol challenges or maintain healthy cholesterol range
✓ Better body function over by supporting cellular health
✓ Have Liver challenges or maintain a healthy Liver function
✓ Supporting the body’s normal toxin - elimination function
✓ Supports sugar metabolism and weight loss. - Diabetes


WHAT Ingredients make SP GREEN FOOD so imperative to supplement with

• organic brussels sprouts (aerial parts) - superfood ( high is vitamin c, fiber, natural detoxifier, antioxidant, minerals, supports sugar metabolism and weight loss
• organic kale (aerial parts) - inflammation, elimination, relaxant, immunity, antioxidant
• organic buckwheat (aerial parts) - inflammation, reduce fevers, better digestion
• organic dried barley (grass) juice - promotes sleep, anti diabetic effect, regulates blood pressure, immunity, protects liver, antidepressant , improves gastrointestinal function, inflammation, hypolipidemic
• organic dried alfalfa (aerial parts) juice - alkalizer and detoxes by supporting liver, reduces body odor


SP GREEN FOODS is part of Spa Longevita's 21 day purification program because of how well it supports the detoxification process of the body.   

In conclusion to obtain optimal health it's require to have vegetables apart of your diet.  If you or your children have a hard time eating this is a wonderful way to supplement those much need nutrients. You now have an option to keep you and your family healthy. 

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