Is CBD good for you?

cbd reduce inflammation

PROS and CONS everyone should know...

CBD is for 90 % of the population but NOT all the time.

Positive Facts of CBD …
βœ“ It’s natural
βœ“ It’s safer then taking medication
βœ“ CBD is NOT addictive
βœ“ Multiple applications or ways of consuming
βœ“ Great for AUTOIMMUNE
βœ“ Great for ANXIETY - Lowers Blood Pressure
βœ“ Helps to induce SLEEP
βœ“ Aids in Nausea , Calms DIGESTION
βœ“ NEUROPROTECTIVE PROPERTIES - Seizures, Epilepsy, Spasms

There is a lot of challenges / diseases that would fit under those headings. For instance , I could say it's good for heart health because it helps to calm the mind and body - therefore will help with blood pressure and preventing stroke.

β—† The most power positive attribute of CBD is also the most dangerous for everyone on a regular basis.

β—† CBD helps with AUTOIMMUNE CHALLENGES. Autoimmune means relating to disease caused by antibodies or lymphocytes produced against substances naturally present in the body. AKA the body is fighting itself.

β—† Most of us all have inflammation in the body. To much inflammation will create dysfunctions like arthritis , diabetes, cancers, tumors, pain and inflammation. So the question is , β€œ What if you don’t have any of those type of challenges?” If you are not experience any pain, dysfunction, or auto immune challenges then CBD should not be used as a supplement. It will be detrimental to your body to suppress your immune system. We tend to all experience higher levels of inflammation and discomfort in our lives from time to time which is when CBD should be utilized.

β—† CBD is not all created equal. CBD is expensive. It’s not regulated so testing is not required. Make sure the brands you purchase are 3rd party tested. This is important. When a product is third party tested it goes beyond the testing in house facility which will have a large bias. You want a third party unrelated to the company to be testing and regulating the facts. Companies can claim whatever they like through marketing with low cost CBD but you get what you pay for and sometimes its a big waste of money.
          ⁃ Dr. Brooke and Spa Longevita go out of their way to do this research for you. Making sure the CBD that is for purchase is high quality and safe. Feel free to come into Spa Longevita and check out the highly regarded CBD topical, tinctures, and other edibles for all your health care needs. Set up a consultation with Dr. Brooke to help answer more of your health care needs. 

Bottom Line
If your feeling great , sleeping with ease, not experience rashes, having regular bowel movements then avoid consuming or utilizing CBD. CBD should be utilized in a NEED TO situation but not as a health supplement. Think of it as a healthier option then taking Advil or other chemical pharmaceuticals.


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