The Best Supplement Regime to Support Diabetes



There are different types of diabetes and different reasons for being diagnosed. The one thing that rings true for both is that the body is not utilizing and producing insulin as it should. If you are Diabetic the body is not able to metabolize sugar properly. With any diagnosis it is important to support the body to help give it the most propensity to heal.

Dr. Brooke Higgins a Herbologist and Dr. Of Oriental Medicine recommends a few simple supplements to add to your lifestyle if you have diabetes or sugar metabolism challenges.

1. Gymnema ( aka sugar destroyer )

Gymnemic acid will mimic sugar and sit in the receptors of the gut so your body doesn’t absorb as much sugar. Instead you will process it more efficiently. This will help you lower your sugar and help decrease the amount of insulin required.

2. Diaplex ( D for Diabetes )

Diaplex is amazing at helping you digest carbohydrates. Contains chromium, an essential nutrient involved in carbohydrate metabolism. As well aids in bowel movements and supports the pancreas.

3. Prosynbiotics ( Pre and Probiotics )

Prosynbiotics will give you not only the probiotics the large intestine need to further break down food but prebiotics the small intestine needs to feed the probiotics. Prosynbiotic will help the body and it’s ability to lower fasting glucose and insulin levels. This supplement will help your body to continually build the good bacteria by utilizing and flourishing the prebiotics.

4. Gastro-Fiber ( digestable fiber )

Gastro-Fiber offers both insoluble and soluble fiber which sustains the digestive system, thus promoting healthy intestinal environments that help maintain the intestinal flora. Gastro-fiber helps control blood sugar levels. In people with diabetes, fiber can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels. A healthy diet that includes insoluble fiber may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

5. Last but not least , Spa Longevita offers a 21 day purification program. This program is designed to reboot the body by detoxing all organs, regulate your bowels, help you think more clearly, lose weight, boost metabolism, decrease pain and inflammation, regulate your sugar metabolism and for Diabetics it will help you to reduce your insulin. Hear for yourself the incredible transformations.


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